For Anime Freaks

Quiz Stuff

Just Quiz results.

All, cept Pippin, will change with my the gallery

Congratulations! You're Pippin!


Xelloss Metallium:


Your man (or rather hobbit) is Merry

My list of Quizzes

Your match is GOKU!!(theif-you know, you can always
take the quiz again and leave him to me^^J/K)
He loves to eat, annoy Gojyo, and kick some
evil youkai ass! He loves to fight the toughest
demons. He's alittle(okay alot)Childesh, but
who doesn't love kids?(Sanzo doesn't count)He
may not look like he cares about you on the
outside, but deep down he cares.(No seriously,
take the quiz again...You can always change
your answer!!!)

You can take these quizzes too, No da!